

We are excited to help our new students prepare for the Summer and Fall 2024 semesters with an orientation packed with resources and paths for success. We have gathered support documents, agendas and Next Step guidelines below. 红衣主教的旅程就要开始了. 欢迎来到巢!

New Student Orientation registration for Summer and Fall 2024 students is now open! 学生在报到前必须得到确认.

Use your GoUIW 报名入职培训的帐号(个人邮箱及密码).


  • 星期五,2024年6月7日 (Event full)
  • 星期二,2024年6月11日 (Event full)
  • 星期五,2024年6月21日* (Event full)
  • 星期二,2024年6月25日 (Event full)
  • 2024年6月27日,星期四 (Event full)
  • 2024年7月12日星期五* (Event full)
  • 2024年7月15日星期一(Event full)
  • 星期三,2024年7月17日* (Event full)
  • 星期三,2024年7月31日*(点击报名)
  • Friday, Aug. 2, 2024*(点击报名)

*Note: 学生的专业在 传媒与设计学院 and 德利本教育学院 应该参加指定的迎新活动吗. Other majors may also attend on these dates or any other date with open spots.


Note: The UIW Online Orientation is for Undergraduate Transfer students who are unable to attend an in-person orientation. Transfer students will learn about tools and resources available as they continue their educational journey as a UIW Cardinal. They will hear from several offices and get helpful information for their transition to the Nest.




8:30 a.m. |报到开始|学生参与中心

  • Student ID
  • 营业处(停车许可证、缴费计划、健康保险豁免)
  • Campus Tour
  • 住房之旅
  • 金融援助
  • 保健服务(脑膜炎)
  • Advising
  • Admissions

10 a.m. |欢迎及介绍| SEC宴会厅

10:30 a.m. |红衣主教意味着什么| SEC舞厅

10:45 a.m. |学术概况

11:30 a.m.| Advising

12:15 p.m. |午餐| SEC宴会厅

1:30 p.m. |红衣主教营

3:55 p.m. |闭幕式| SEC宴会厅

大学办公室周一至周五上午8点开放,为您提供帮助.m. to 5 p.m.


6 p.m. |在线链接上线|欢迎与议程概述

6:20 p.m. |经济援助概述

6:40 p.m. |商务办公概览

7 p.m. |注册官办公室

7:15 p.m. |大学服务台

7:35 p.m. |大学辅导 

7:55 p.m. | 行为健康服务

8:10 p.m. | Title IX

8:25 p.m. |结束和最后的问题


8:30 a.m. |报到开始|学生参与中心

  • Student ID
  • 营业处(停车许可证、缴费计划、健康保险豁免)
  • Campus Tour
  • 住房之旅
  • 金融援助
  • 保健服务(脑膜炎)
  • Advising
  • Admissions

10 a.m. |欢迎及介绍| SEC宴会厅

10:30 a.m. |红衣主教意味着什么| SEC舞厅

10:45 a.m. |如何做一个称职的家长

11:35 a.m. |校园安全

12:15 p.m. |午餐| SEC宴会厅

1:30 p.m. | Money Matters: 金融援助, 业务办公室, and Military and Veteran Center

2:10 p.m. |居民和通勤者的校园生活:校园生活和索迪斯

2:40 p.m. | Cardinal Wellness: Behavioral Health, 卫生服务, CARE Team, and 使命及事工

3:05 p.m. |建立基本联系:新生项目、就业服务

3:25 p.m. |学生成功:测试服务, 学生残疾服务, 写作与学习中心, Advising, Tutoring, TRiO

3:55 p.m. |闭幕式| SEC宴会厅

大学办公室周一至周五上午8点开放,为您提供帮助.m. to 5 p.m.



我们想听听你的意见! If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to complete the parent orientation survey. We appreciate your feedback and will use it to improve future events for our families.

Take Survey


所有UIW学生都必须有医疗保险. 如果你有家庭保险, you will need to waive coverage through the University by the start of the fall semester to avoid charges. If you have medical insurance and would like to waive the UIW medical insurance, bring a physical copy of your medical insurance card to orientation to complete this requirement. For students wishing to enroll in the UIW student health insurance, no action is required. Visit the 营业处网页 了解更多信息.



你错过脑膜炎疫苗了吗? Bring a physical copy of your medical insurance card on the date you register for orientation. UIW 卫生服务 representatives will be able to provide immunizations during orientation.

Texas state law mandates that all students under the age of 22 entering college provide a certificate signed by a healthcare provider or an official immunization record verifying that a student has been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis, or has received a booster during the five years preceding admission to the University. Visit the 健康服务网页 了解更多信息.


The 道成肉身的大学 provides reasonable accommodations for special events with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for events, please complete and submit the form found on the ADA /节504 webpage.


医生的留言. Evans




一旦您提交了您的确认费用, 您将在三天内收到一封来自uw帮助台的电子邮件 设置基本的应用 第一次. Please set up your 基本的应用 before orientation to ensure the registration process goes smoothly.


  • Access email
  • 注册课程
  • 购买停车许可证
  • 参加付款计划
  • 申请住房
  • 加入UIW


  1. 提交细菌性脑膜炎疫苗接种证明.

    Texas state law mandates that all students under the age of 22 entering college provide a certificate signed by a healthcare provider or an official immunization record verifying that a student has been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis, or has received a booster during the five years preceding admission to the University. You may submit your vaccination record in PDF form to Document Receiving at  registrar@uiwtx.edu.

    Note: 你的脑膜炎疫苗必须记录在案, 如果适用的话, 注册课程和申请校内住宿.

  2. 申请校内住宿(如果你计划住在校园里).
    有关校内住宿的信息可在 居住生活网站. Applications for housing can be completed through the StarRez student housing portal found in your 基本的应用.
  3. 登记参加新生迎新活动

    迎新注册将于4月1日开始. 一旦你确认参加UIW,请关注你的电子邮件. You will receive information for registering for orientation and Next Steps to complete your enrollment.

  4. 以ALEKS PPL为例

    被正确地安排在大学水平的数学中, students not meeting the minimum requirement must take the UIW Mathematics Placement through ALEKS PPL or be placed in a remedial math course (no credit). Visit bomabearing.com/aleks 了解更多信息.

    观看如何访问ALEKS PPL(视频)

  5. 注册课程.

    First-Time-in-College学生: Advisors are ready to help you create your class schedule at New Student Orientation! 5月1日开始注册. Submit the 建议及安排问卷 尽快. 为了合理安排时间, submit all official transcripts and test scores at least five business days before your orientation date.

    转学: 课程注册将于5月1日开放. 指导老师会帮助你制定课程表. Visit the 大学辅导中心网页 在进行咨询预约之前,您需要完成的步骤. 确保相关排程, all official transcripts must be submitted at least five business days before your selected orientation date. Once you have completed these steps, contact the University Advising Center at (210) 805-5814 or advising@uiwtx.edu to schedule an advising appointment prior to your New Student Orientation date.

    New students in the following majors must contact the person listed below to discuss program requirements prior to your advising appointment and orientation date.

    Major Contact Phone Email
    3D动画与游戏设计 Dr. 亚当·沃特金斯 (210) 805-1209 watkinsw@uiwtx.edu
    时尚管理 Dr. Melinda K. Adams (210) 805-1204 madams@uiwtx.edu
    平面设计 Doris O. Palmeros-McManus (210) 283-6445 palmeros@uiwtx.edu
    室内设计 Dr. 戴安娜艾莉森 (210) 829-3859 dallison@uiwtx.edu
    威廉Gokelman (210) 829-3848 gokelman@uiwtx.edu
    田园部 Dr. 迈克尔·罗梅罗 (210) 829-3902 maromer6@uiwtx.edu

    For any questions, contact your advisor or the University Advising Center at (210) 805-5814.

  6. Submit your final official transcripts from all previously attended institutions.

    First-Time-in-College学生: 提交你的最后高中成绩单和毕业日期到 admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu 或邮寄正式的高中成绩单到以下地址. 如果你有双学分,也要提交一份正式的大学成绩单.

    转学: All admitted students must submit official transcripts with final grades from each institution attended before the beginning of the fall semester. Students with fewer than 24 college credit hours are also required to submit an official high school transcript or official GED scores. 最终文件可以PDF格式提交至 admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu 或邮寄到以下地址.


    百老汇大街4301号,CPO 285号

  7. 办理停车许可证.

    You may register your vehicle using the T2 Cardinal Cars app via UIW’s 基本的应用 sign-on portal. Please, bring the required items with you to orientation in order to purchase your parking permit. Visit uw停车场 了解更多信息.

    • Valid email address (you will be required to verify your account using this email)
    • 车辆牌照号码和州
    • 车辆的品牌、型号、颜色和款式


    Note: 任何未登记许可证的车辆将被处以停车罚款.

  8. 参加付款计划.

    Students must pay tuition or enroll in a payment plan before the semester begins. Once you have registered for classes, you may enroll in a payment plan on CashNet via 基本的应用. Visit the 营业处网页 了解更多信息.





Click the link below to see a list of the next steps you need for your financial aid.
